Zena's Case Study
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Other Diseases/Conditions: none
Story: We got Zena in July of 2009. She has been an abandoned baby, along with her sister who had fallen into a woodpile, and the mother was unable to retrieve them. My best friend found them, and bottle fed both until we were able to go get her, as we live in another state. Being a bottle fed baby, as she is our second calico that was, makes the bond that much more.
She always had a little hoarseness to her meow, and a raspy purr, but when she was so tiny, it was just chocked up to a characteristic thing. She was always playful, snuggly, and loved her treats. When she just started to lay around, and her breathing was crackly sounding we took her to vet. They did several tests, and x-rays. When the vet called me regarding her results, and he told me she had lymphoma I could not beleive it. Never heard of that in an animal so young. I said to the vet, "But she is just a baby", and he said it was not so uncommon. We went in and saw the x-rays. Her one lymph node in her chest is quite enlarged, and her lungs are full of tumors. She is on anti-biotics right now, and as quickly as this has come upon her and as aggressive as her case is, there is really not much that can be done. We could go the chemo route, and all the other tests, but the outcome for our little Zena is not good. We are loving her, and holding on to her until she begins to suffer. It is heartbreaking to hear of this news. Zena is a sweetheart, and we cannot hardly bear the thought of parting with her.
Outcome: She is eating, and a bit back to her normal self with the run of anti biotics she is on, but we do not have our hopes up.
- By Jane Zena's Mom -
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Chemo Protocol Used
Holistic Remedies Used
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