Getting Started
Feline Lymphoma Yahoo Group Members ONLY may access |
This area is accessible to group members only, you must be a verifiable member of the Feline Lymphoma Yahoo Talk group to access this information. Once you have joined the Yahoo group if you would like access, please email for login info, send me your yahoo ID and so I can verify your membership. |
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Chemo FAQ's |
Coming Soon - questions and answers about what to look for and ask about during the chemo treatment. If you have any questions you'd like to ask or suggestions to make please email us. |
Care For The Caregiver |
Care For The Caregiver [pdf] Care For The Caregivers [html]
Taking care of your sick pet can be a difficult, time consuming, full time job. We often get so involved that we forget to take care of ourselves. Here are some helpful tips on how to manage your pets illness and keep yourself healthy too! |
Ending Life With Compassion |
Ending Life With Compassion [pdf] Ending Life With Compassion [html]
It's the most difficult decision any pet owner will ever have to make. And as humans we tend to second guess our decisions and feel guilty over our choices no matter what they may be. Here is a comprehensive and compassionate guide to hopefully help you with this most personal and difficult decision. |
2008 WSAVA Congress - Oncology Links |
Advances in Cancer Diagnostics
Approach to the Cancer Case: Staging - How and Why
Advances in Feline Oncology
Feline Cancer Patient
- Advances In Feline Oncology [PDF]
- Chemotherapy Of Lymphoma [PDF]
- Feline Cancer Patient [PDF]
Feline Cancer/Health Resources |
Check For Ongoing Cancer Trails Feline Lymphoma How To Read Lab Tests Understanding Your Pet's Blood Work Therapeutic Choices for the Medical Management of Feline Lymphoma - Changes in disease frequency and presentation of feline lymphoma necessitate a somewhat different approach to protocol selection and supportive care. The incidence, signalment, and etiology of this disease has changed during the 80's and 90's. Overall, it appears that feline leukemia virus infection has declined along with the frequency of some anatomic forms ... much more on new protocols on their website. HolVet's Neoplasene Information Center - NeoplaseneŽ is a relatively new drug available for veterinary use. It is derived from the perennial herb bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), so named because of the reddish sap of the root. It has historically been used as a dye, an emetic (induces vomiting) and a wart and tumor treatment, esp. by Native Americans. NeoplaseneŽ does not burn tissue. Instead it causes cancer cells to die by a process known as apoptosis. They enter into a self termination process. This sounds promising, read more on their website. BMC Veterinary Research - Publishes original research articles in all aspects of veterinary science and medicine, including the epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of medical conditions of domestic, companion, farm and wild animals, as well as the biomedical processes that underlie their health. BMC Veterinary Research (ISSN 1746-6148) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed. RxList & ID Imprint Code
Identification - Check the imprint codes of a pill to make sure they ARE what it says on the bottle. Look It Up
Drug Reference - Pill indentification, search by color, shape, and/or markings. FDA - Center For Veterinary Medicine - This site has lots of info including a section on adverse drug reactions. Medline Plus - A list of all the medicines and everything you could possibly want to
know about them - including side-effects (usually toward the bottom of the
page for that drug). Of course these side-effects are for humans, but our
kitties could suffer in similar ways. CatHelp-Online.com - They hope to help provide feline health information to help you best care for your kitty. Many feline health subjects covered here, and links to other good resources. IRIDOLOGY - Interesting site that indicates possible health related problems based on the condition of the iris. According to this site, Iridology has been practiced since history has been recorded. Feline CRF Information - Informational site that is very helpful if your kitty is also dealing with CRF which sometimes goes hand in hand with cancer. Feline Endocrine System & Disorders - The endocrine system runs EVERYTHING, it is composed of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. These hormones regulate many body processes. The endocrine system of the cat includes the following glands: thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pancreas, gonads (testicles and ovaries), and pituitary.
Tid Bits
Some of the standard chemo drugs used are - Elspar (Lasparaginase), Vincristine, Cytoxan, Adriamycin (Doxorubicin), Methotrexate, and Prednisone. For more information on drugs and protocols, please read Chemo & Protocols.
If you prefer the holistic approach, find some of those treatment options here.
Q & A Guidelines about getting Prescriptions, click here for info.
Prescription Rights & Pilling Problem Cats
Some state regulations require a veterinarian to provide a prescription rather than dispense a drug when requested by the client. None of these
laws require the veterinarian to write a prescription in the absence of a veterinarian-client-patient relationship or if the drug is not medically indicated. For a list of these states, click here.
Cornell University has some great videos on how to medicate your cat using a variety of ways. It is helpful for those who have never had to medicate their kitties before and may help those with problem kitties. Click here for these and other helpful videos.
Pain Control
Many vets are just beginning to realize that pain control and management are essential to speedy healing and recovery. This document helps explain the importance of this often overlooked area of pet health care. PDF version HTML version
Understanding Bloodwork
Simple easy to understand article on how to read and understand your cat's serum chemistry profile. Blood [Serum] Chemistry
Misc. Medical/Feline Links
Merek Veterinary Manual [Online] - the single most comprehensive electronic reference for animal care information.
Animal Wellness Magazine - lots of info on feeding, resources, vets and more!
Little Lotus Hearts - website with interesting and unique services for people who have a deep love and respect for animals.
CatHealth.com - Cat Health is a website written by Dr. Christianne Schelling.
Pet Loss & Grief Sites
Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement - an extensive list of specialized help categories, utilizing professionally trained volunteers in pet bereavement counseling, many services are free, some others require membership, they are a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Meet Some of the Kitties
 Michelle's Peanut
 Larry's Mario
 Bettina's Caesar
 Rick's Ariel
 Annie's Mottie
 Amy's Luna
 Rosie's Papa
 Jean's Half-n-Half
 Susan's Nadia
 Monique's Jacob
| |