Shep's Case Study
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Other Diseases/Conditions: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Hyperthyroidism
Story: Sheppy was officially diagnosed with lymphoma on 6/20/2007. I say 'officially', because they (MedVet in Worthington, OH.), initially diagnosed him as having a Thymoma. Due to their original misdiagnosis, he has endured 4 needless surgeries, countless biopsies, and endless needle aspirations. Needless to say, these past 4 months have been absolute hell on him, as well as myself. However, I was not ready to give up on him. He never acted sick, and still had a sparkle in his eye. So, after receiving the correct diagnosis, we decided upon chemotherapy. He is currently on the Madison-Wisconsin 25-week, combination chemotherapy protocol. This consists of Vincristine, Cytoxan, and Adriamycin. He is also taking 5MG. of Prednisone twice daily, as well as 1/4 of a tablet of Pepcid, and 1/8 of a teaspoon of Tylan powder for his diarrhea. At this point, because of his weight loss over the past few months, he is eating pretty much whatever he wants to. I give him an endless bowl of kitten chow dry to snack on throughout the day, as well as 2 small plates of tuna, and 2-3 cans of Sheeba or Fancy Feast. His appetite is still really good, and he has finally gained a bit of weight...approx. 7 ounces over the last 2 weeks. He has not been suffering from any side-effects, with the exception of very minimal vomiting a day or two after a treatment. He just had his 8th treatment, Adriamycin, on Wednesday, and is doing so well, that he now gets a rest of 2 weeks between each treatment.
Outcome: Shep is currently considered to be in remission. He no longer has pleural fluid in his lungs, and is breathing normally. He runs, plays, and generally does everything he did prior to getting sick. He really has no idea that there is anything wrong with him. His next treatment will be in two weeks, and then he will get another 2 week break. Hopefully, this will continue for quite some time. I adore this cat, and cannot imagine him not being in my life. He has been a blessing for 11 years, and I will be happy and grateful for at least one more.
- By Kate Shep's Mom - |
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Chemo Protocol Used
Holistic Remedies Used | |