Doodles Case Study
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Other Diseases/Conditions: None
Story: Doodles was diagnosed with mediastinal lymphoma when he was 9 months old. He had a slight upper respiratory infection and had been to the vet on Monday afternoon. By Wednesday morning, Doodles was having difficulty breathing, was cyanotic and had an erratic heartbeat. This was due to the peach-sized tumor in his chest that was pushing on his heart and lungs. Our vet took radiographs and sent us immediately to Red Bank to see Dr. Fred. His diagnosis was confirmed using a needle biopsy. Doodles was started on LCOP which included two adriamycin treatments. The tumor shrunk nearly completely after the first round of chemo. Other than getting him over his URI while starting chemo - his treatments were uneventful. His treatments gave us five more years with him!
Outcome: Doodles passed away at the end of July 2005 of hepatic amyloidosis, which caused his liver to fracture. There was no lymphoma present at the time of his death, which meant he was still in remission.
- By Julie Doodle's Mom - |
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Chemo Protocol Used
Holistic Remedies Used
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