Cali's Case Study
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Other Diseases/Conditions: none
Story: My baby girl, Cali was diagnosed today. I got her at the APL about 5 years ago and she is thought to be around 7 now. I happened to be at the APL with a friend who was adopting a kitty when I saw her. She wasn't even in a cage yet, so she must have just arrived. We immediately connected and I carried her around the place with her purring and purring. She is like a dog - she will fetch, she is with me ALL the time, sleeps with me, sits on my lap purring and is a very happy little girl. A few months ago she started vomiting more than usual, so I took her to the vet. She treated her with steroids thinking she had IBD. She was getting worse, so I was referred to a specialist who did an endoscopy and found the lymphoma. I am at the point where I need to decide what course of treatment to take. She is still purring and happy most of the time, so I want to give it a try and see how she does. I think that if ever the day comes that she stops purring, then I will know that is the day to say goodbye.
Outcome: Just found out today, so no treatment started yet. I plan to take her in for chemo next week.
- By Alison Cali's Mom -

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Chemo Protocol Used
Holistic Remedies Used | |